TTE Fund

TTE Fund (TTER) is a fund established in 2006 that supports projects, events, acquisitions and other operations of Aalto University students and associations and communities operating in connection with AYY. The goal of TTE Fund is to support and stimulate student activities in the Aalto community in all their forms.

On this website, you can find instructions for applying for and collecting the grants as well as other information on the Fund.

You can find the forms for submitting an application and handing in your report here.

Awarded grants

    Kokous / Meeting 1/2024
  • Teekkarikulttuurin Tuki ry / Julkku Projekti X 3 000,00 Polyteknikkojen Olutkulttuurin Edistämisyhdistys ry Panolan peruskorjaus ja toiminnan jatkuvuuden varmistaminen 3 000,00 Retuperän WBK ry Helikonitorwi 4 000,00 Ky-Slice Ky-Slice 40-vuotisjuhlat […]

  • Meeting 5/2023
  • Entropy ry Entropyn 30-vuotis juhlatapahtuma 14000 Walpurinaikaisen radiotoiminnan tuki Walpuri ry Radiodiodin kerhotilan remontti 6000 AYY Kampusjaosto Teekkarikylän ulkokalusteiden pitkäaikaiskunnostus 7500 Marmon-projekti Marmonin katto 5579,14 Inkubio ry:n historiatoimikunta Inkubio 20v […]